Alakananda Mookerjee

Ally Mookerjee is a New York-based science writer whose byline has appeared in The Atlantic, Discovery News, Big Think, Red Wedge, and elsewhere.
J.G. Ballard Was Wrong (Sort of) About Climate Change

J.G. Ballard Was Wrong (Sort of) About Climate Change

Ballard's foresight likely came from his rumination on the fate of the planet, not environmental study.
Oz Is Not As Down Under As Everyone Thinks It Is

Oz Is Not As Down Under As Everyone Thinks It Is

Frank L. Baum's Oz isn't in the land of Aussies, as one might think, but in a far more magical setting.
Envisioning a World With No Need of Humans in ‘The Age of Em’

Envisioning a World With No Need of Humans in ‘The Age of Em’

The next great era will dawn sometime in the 22nd century, its outline shaped by a disruptive technology: “brain emulation”.
An Anatomical Dissection of Italo Calvino’s ‘If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler’

An Anatomical Dissection of Italo Calvino’s ‘If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler’

Postmodernism disrupts the grand narrative and exposes the artifice of writing. Dissected, Italo Calvino’s If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler resembles geometry.