Megan Milks

Megan Milks is currently working on a Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has had critical work published on, Lost Magazine,, and Sparknotes; her fiction has been published or is forthcoming in DIAGRAM, Pocket Myths, Forge, and Wreckage of Reason, an anthology of experimental women writers. Like once a year, if that, she publishes a magazine called Mildred Pierce, which more people should know about. Best concert ever: Prince in DC, 2005 -- or Aqui (RIP) in Charlottesville -- or maybe the Gossip, before they got 'big.' Worst concert ever: That one time when Radiohead were supposed to play an outdoor show but got rained out so bad the Port-o-Potties collapsed and were carried by flood into the parking lot. APOCALYPSE!

‘Aya’ by Marguerite Abouet and Clément Oubrerie

Courting Equality by Patricia A. Gozemba and Karen Kahn

120 Days

Holy Fuck

The Call of the Weird by Louis Theroux

Nick Lachey [2006 Rewind]

Supermodel by David Breskin

Coming Soon: Tori Amos, A Collection of Collections

LISTEN – Tori Amos: A Piano: The Collection

The End of Mr. Y by Scarlett Thomas

Nick Lachey

A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian by Marina Lewycka