Pop Past Books

The British ‘Idea of Europe’ Is Still a Mess

The British ‘Idea of Europe’ Is Still a Mess

Shane Weller’s The Idea of Europe, hampered by an unconscious form of Euroscepticism, suggests that British critics are still not ready to listen to their neighbors.

‘Stealing from the Saracens’ Pursues Its Own Broken Crusade

‘Stealing from the Saracens’ Pursues Its Own Broken Crusade

Diana Darke’s stumbling cultural critique of Islamic architecture, Stealing from the Saracens, shows how desperately Europe needs its own anti-racist language.

Nell Irvin Painter’s ‘The History of White People’ Raises Rhetorical Questions

Nell Irvin Painter’s ‘The History of White People’ Raises Rhetorical Questions

In The History of White People, historian Nell Irvin Painter suggests that we are witnessing another enlargement of the concept of whiteness rather than a transformation of America into a post-racial society, as some, at both ends of the political spectrum, like to claim.