acid arab

The 25 Best Electronic Albums of 2023

The 25 Best Electronic Albums of 2023

This year’s best electronic albums span the widest range of styles of any genre, ranging from melodic electro and warm house to the experimental outer reaches.

Acid Arab Bring Middle Eastern Textures to the Dance Floor on ‘٣ (Trois)’

Acid Arab Bring Middle Eastern Textures to the Dance Floor on ‘٣ (Trois)’

Blending Algerian Raï and Gasba, Syrian Dabke, Turkish dance, and floor-shaking Chicago Acid moves, Acid Arab make music targeting hips with surgical precision.

Acid Arab: Musique de France

Acid Arab: Musique de France

Parisian electronic music crew Acid Arab embark on a transcultural sonic journey that seeks to resolve the political and ideological differences in which many on the continent are currently embroiled.