paul d. miller

“Mise en Abyme”: DJ Spooky on the Recursive Loops of Culture

“Mise en Abyme”: DJ Spooky on the Recursive Loops of Culture

DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation is a "destabilizing" remix of D.W. Griffith's original propagandist film, performed by Kronos Quartet. Spooky (aka Paul D. Miller) shares the evolution of the film's relevance and his unique take on how life imitates art.
DJ Spooky with Kronos Quartet: Rebirth of a Nation

DJ Spooky with Kronos Quartet: Rebirth of a Nation

Did you ever get the urge to "remix" a movie? One that just really stuck in your craw like nothing else? DJ Spooky lives out an artistic wet dream on Rebirth of a Nation.

PopMatters Best of Books 2008: Non-Fiction

Sound Unbound by Paul D. Miller (editor), Steve Reich (Introduction)

Moog (2004)