George Reisch

George Reisch is a philosopher and historian of science who teaches at the School of Continuing Studies of Northwestern University. He studied at Bowdoin College and the University of Chicago where he began his research on the effects of the cold war on philosophy and higher education. He was a National Science Foundation fellow from 1998-2000 and published his research in 2005 as How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science: To the Icy Slopes of Logic (Cambridge University Press). From 1996 to 1999 he wrote a column about philosophy for Stereophile magazine and now edits the Popular Culture and Philosophy series published by Open Court Publishing Company. In 2006 he founded Luxotone Records (Robin O'Brien, Bobby Vacant & The Weary) and runs its internet radio stations Radio Luxotone and Hypnotique.

Marxism: The Music Theory That Never Goes Out of Style

Birthered in the U.S.A.

Pulp Non-Fiction: Where Tarantino Meets Aristotle

Philosophical Tactics in International Soccer

Fooled by Skepticism

The Pope of Satire

Übermensch and Übermonk

Pop Culture’s IQ: The Downward Spiral

Nobel Prizes and Nobel Promises

Captain Obama and the Final Frontier

Where the Frak is All My Money?

Our Zombies, Our Selves