
Owls, Aliens, and Others

Owls, Aliens, and Others

Essayist Brian Phillips is no staunch empiricist, nor does he want to shatter delusions or expose machinations. In Impossible Owls, he is content to remain in a wide-eyed and owl-ier place.

‘Space Opera’: A Galactic-scale Eurovision-style Life or Death Singing Contest

‘Space Opera’: A Galactic-scale Eurovision-style Life or Death Singing Contest

In Catherynne M. Valente's Space Opera, the Meaning of Life has a beat and, depending on your alien physiology, you might be able to dance to it.

In ‘The X-Files: S11’, Everything We Feared Came to Pass

Deconstructing the Star Beast: How the ‘Alien’ Saga Went Wrong

Deconstructing the Star Beast: How the ‘Alien’ Saga Went Wrong

Alien was a planned B-Movie that transcended its genre and spawned the rare sequel that is neither imitation nor complete deviation. Then the saga went to hell.

Death by a Thousand Chestbursters

Explaining the ‘Prometheus’ Love/Hate

An ‘Alien’ (Prequel) Primer

The Thing (2011): Bringing Quiet Tones and Space Vaginas Back from the ’80s

‘Monsters’: Like an ‘African Queen’-Inspired Romance

‘Monsters’: Agents of Political Expediency

‘Stargate Universe: SGU 1.5’: Look Again, and Much More Is Revealed

The Host