andy warhol

Bowie Buddie Dana Gillespie Ain’t No Man

Bowie Buddie Dana Gillespie Ain’t No Man

The London-based singer-songwriter Dana Gillespie, whose memoir is just out, tells PopMatters about her convivial, free-spirited youth, her adventures with Bowie, Dylan, and Princess Margaret, and the spiritual path that changed her life.

Punk Hybrids: Wham! Bam! Glam-Punk!

Punk Hybrids: Wham! Bam! Glam-Punk!

Glam Punk is "Rock 'n' roll with lipstick on," sneered John Lennon.

‘Brillo Box (3 Cents Off)’ Views an Iconic Warhol Artwork From a Personal Lens

‘Brillo Box (3 Cents Off)’ Views an Iconic Warhol Artwork From a Personal Lens

It may have sold for $3 million, but still, is it art? Andy Warhol's Brillo Box is a tale of art and commerce that resonates in these times.
As a Way of Being in the World, to Be Cool Is to Be a Fascinating Asshole

As a Way of Being in the World, to Be Cool Is to Be a Fascinating Asshole

Cool seems to be a phenomenon located mainly between the end of Hitler’s war and the beginning of Kurt Cobain’s band.
Tama Janowitz’s Memoir, ‘Scream’ May Leave You Grumbling

Tama Janowitz’s Memoir, ‘Scream’ May Leave You Grumbling

You know you're in trouble when the author has eight dogs and isn't a vet tech.
The Warhol Paradox and ‘On&By Andy Warhol’

The Warhol Paradox and ‘On&By Andy Warhol’

Andy Warhol seemed to always have it both ways. He was able to play high against low, simple against complex, present and yet far away, sexual/asexual, etc.
‘The Lonely City’ Makes a Case for Empathy and Kindness

‘The Lonely City’ Makes a Case for Empathy and Kindness

Olivia Laing mixes art criticism and memoir; effectively synthesizing these two modes of writing so that the personal elevates the analysis, with a sizable emotional heft.
‘Avedon / Warhol’ Is an Astute Juxtaposition of the Two Brightest Stars in the Gagosian Galaxy

‘Avedon / Warhol’ Is an Astute Juxtaposition of the Two Brightest Stars in the Gagosian Galaxy

Gagosian has a clear-eyed, bird’s eye view on perhaps the most self-evident yet severely complicated relationship in modern art history.
On the Sameness and Difference of ‘Warhol & Mapplethorpe’

On the Sameness and Difference of ‘Warhol & Mapplethorpe’

This new museum book highlights the challenge of housing two giants under one roof, with mixed results.

‘How Do You Think It Feels?’: The Lasting Effects of Prolonged Lou Reed Exposure

Untimely Cinema: ‘“Our Kind of Movie” The Films of Andy Warhol’

From Warhol to Koons, Koons to Hirst: The Branding of ‘Taste’ in ‘The Art Prophets’