
Angels, Sparks, Flashdance: Frank DiMino Returns With ‘Old Habits Die Hard’

Angels, Sparks, Flashdance: Frank DiMino Returns With ‘Old Habits Die Hard’

The voice of Angel, Frank DiMino, offers first solo release, reflects on the power of song.

Making Progress Fun: “All-New X-men #30”

Boris: Noise

Boris: Noise

This is probably Boris’ most accessible record to date and the overall feeling is that it has, once again, managed to mould its inspiration while remaining quintessentially "Boris".

Paradoxical Obscurity: “All New X-men #25”

Joss Whedon: Pioneer of the Body Count

The Power of Fandom in the Whedonverse

The Dystopian Future in Joss Whedon’s Work

The Big Bad Universe: Good and Evil According to Joss Whedon

TV’s Grim Reaper: Why Joss Whedon Continually Kills the Characters We Love

Joss Whedon 101: Angel: After the Fall

Zombies, Reavers, Butchers, and Actuals in Joss Whedon’s Work

Personal Identity in Joss Whedon’s Shows