birth of a nation

‘Black Klansman’, the Memoir

‘Black Klansman’, the Memoir

In his memoir of infiltrating the Ku Klux Klan, Ron Stallworth writes like a police officer, concerned with procedurals and clearly indicating every step taken.

“Mise en Abyme”: DJ Spooky on the Recursive Loops of Culture

“Mise en Abyme”: DJ Spooky on the Recursive Loops of Culture

DJ Spooky's Rebirth of a Nation is a "destabilizing" remix of D.W. Griffith's original propagandist film, performed by Kronos Quartet. Spooky (aka Paul D. Miller) shares the evolution of the film's relevance and his unique take on how life imitates art.

The Not-So-Global Globes: International Tensions in the Film Industry

Birth of a Nation by Aaron McGruder and Reginald Hudlin with illustrations by Kyle Baker