geoff johns

Masterpiece or Mess? Reevaluating DC Comic’s ‘Doomsday Clock’

Masterpiece or Mess? Reevaluating DC Comic’s ‘Doomsday Clock’

Understanding the appeal of Doomsday Clock has nothing to do with it being a good or bad comics series. The real question is: does it matter?

Truth, Justice, and Unprecedented Achievements: ‘Action Comics #1000’

The Darkness in ‘Blade: Trinity’ Ain’t Hiding Much

Secrets, Convergence, and the Sacred: DC Comic’s ‘Doomsday Clock #1’

Secrets, Convergence, and the Sacred: DC Comic’s ‘Doomsday Clock #1’

Doomsday Clock #1 doubles down on Watchmen with a world where heroes and men with god-like powers set humanity on a dark, dangerous course.

‘Justice League #41’ Chronicles a Catalyst of War

‘Justice League #41’ Chronicles a Catalyst of War

A war of dark secrets, epic scales, and everything in between.

A Stiff Drink of Humility in ‘Superman #40’

Revealing Strengths and Vulnerabilities

The (Lost) Promise of Paradise: “Superman #36”

Evil Defeats Evil: “Forever Evil #7”

Evil Defeats Evil: “Forever Evil #7”

Fighting evil with evil by being good, thereby serving evil.
The Hidden Depths of Aquaman: Interview with Geoff Johns

The Hidden Depths of Aquaman: Interview with Geoff Johns

Within just three issues, comic book writer Geoff Johns overturned decades of lethargy and inertia around the Aquaman. He talks about how he did it.

Is It Just Us?

Geoff Johns’ Green Lantern Finally Buried in the Light