
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Destroys and Discards the Thor Mythos

‘Big Hero 6’: Disney Viewed through a Marvel Lens

‘Big Hero 6’: Disney Viewed through a Marvel Lens

Big Hero 6 draws its themes and central relationship from the classic Disney and Pixar templates but includes all of the trappings of a Marvel superhero origin film.

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Blew the Door to Comic Book Films Wide Open

‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Blew the Door to Comic Book Films Wide Open

With Guardians of the Galaxy, set to the soundtrack of an Awesome Mix Vol. 1 cassette tape, Marvel Studios adapted a little-known comic book property -- with a raccoon superhero -- into a hugely successful film and launched the next wave of comic book films.

Never Ending Endings in ‘The Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Game of Thrones’

Never Ending Endings in ‘The Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Game of Thrones’

In both The Avengers: Endgame and Game of Thrones, the key conflicts are not between good and evil, as one might think, but between the beginnings and endings of their stories.

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Restores the Series to Its Former Glory

‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’: A Black and White Morality in a Politically Grey Time

‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’: A Black and White Morality in a Politically Grey Time

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is inspired by paranoid political thrillers of the '70s, making it the most radical departure from the tried-and-true MCU formula up to that point.

‘Thor: The Dark World’ Comes Close to Being a Viable Story

‘Thor: The Dark World’ Comes Close to Being a Viable Story

In Thor: The Dark World there's a dangerous villain, a universe-ending threat, and a star-crossed romance -- but none of it makes sense.

‘Captain Marvel’ Is Predictable

‘Captain Marvel’ Is Predictable

Directors Boden and Fleck skimp on the character development and emphasize the action in the disappointing misfire from the MCU, Captain Marvel.

How Marvel’s ‘X-men: First Class’ Classed Up the X-men Films

‘Thor’ Blasted the Comic Book Superhero Genre Away from Earth

‘Thor’ Blasted the Comic Book Superhero Genre Away from Earth

Kenneth Branagh's Thor (2011) took the largely Earth-based, sci-fi genre into the realm of supernatural space fantasy, leading the way for a wider array of comic book superhero films.

How Jon Favreau’s ‘Iron Man 2’ Peaks — Then Crashes

How Jon Favreau’s ‘Iron Man 2’ Peaks — Then Crashes

Tony spends the first half of the film worrying about his legacy but also trying to have fun with the time he has left. It's rather like MCU's superhero film challenges of the time.

Old, Gruff, and Gritty: Marvel’s ‘Old Man Logan #46’

Old, Gruff, and Gritty: Marvel’s ‘Old Man Logan #46’

Old Man Logan's time is running out, but rather than fight it, he makes every moment count.