paul leni

San Francisco Silent Film Festival: Bizarre Twists, Frantic Disasters, and Dangerous Women

San Francisco Silent Film Festival: Bizarre Twists, Frantic Disasters, and Dangerous Women

The San Francisco Silent Film Festival features iron-masked swashbuckling, flabbergasting twists, sexy farce, visual beauty, and strong women who stare into the camera, unnerving viewers.

Paul Leni’s Silent Film ‘The Man Who Laughs’ Is Serious Cinema

Paul Leni’s Silent Film ‘The Man Who Laughs’ Is Serious Cinema

There's so much tragedy present, so many skullduggeries afoot, and so many cruel and vindictive characters in attendance that a sad and heartbreaking ending seems to be an obvious given in Paul Leni's silent film, The Man Who Laughs.

Silently Yours: The 10 Best Silent Films on Blu-ray in 2019

Silently Yours: The 10 Best Silent Films on Blu-ray in 2019

In our era of relentless "noise", if you will, there's a growing appreciation for silent film, as seen in the rise of festivals and the flourishing availability of silent film on Blu-ray. Fans and initiates are certain to enjoy Michael Barrett's 10 best silent films released on Blu-ray this year.

When the Camera Swings: Silent Film Master Paul Leni’s ‘The Man Who Laughs’ and ‘The Last Warning’

When the Camera Swings: Silent Film Master Paul Leni’s ‘The Man Who Laughs’ and ‘The Last Warning’

Paul Leni loved to move the camera to unsettle viewers -- under curtains, through doors, down trapdoors, swinging on ropes -- as seen in The Man Who Laughs and The Last Warning.

Slapstick, Thrills, Spooks and Camera Tricks in the 9.5mm Format

Slapstick, Thrills, Spooks and Camera Tricks in the 9.5mm Format

Indie entrepreneurs Undercrank Productions and Grapevine Video keep old silent films preserved for new generations.

The Man Who Laughs (1928)