the next reel

From Horrifying Comedy to Darkly Funny Horror: Bob Clark Films

From Horrifying Comedy to Darkly Funny Horror: Bob Clark Films

What if I told you that the director of one of the most heartwarming and beloved Christmas movies of all time is the same director as probably the most terrifying and disturbing yuletide horror films of all time?

Can ‘Star Wars’ Be Saved?

‘Where’s Daddy?’ Casts Light on America’s Dysfunctional Child Support System

‘Where’s Daddy?’ Casts Light on America’s Dysfunctional Child Support System

This is a hard-hitting (and highly recommended) documentary about the ties that bind us and the laws that might just separate us.

Clowns Are Up to a Different Kind of Funny Business, These Days

Clowns Are Up to a Different Kind of Funny Business, These Days

"Creepy clowns" have become the rule, not the exception. How and when did clowns change from entertainers to tormentors?

Ripoffs from Space: When Big Movies Are Cannibalized by Even Bigger Movies

Ripoffs from Space: When Big Movies Are Cannibalized by Even Bigger Movies

Hollywood screenwriters know that if you don't have an original idea you can always steal an existing plot... and then set it in SPACE!
Fans Killed the Magic of Mystery in Hollywood Films

Fans Killed the Magic of Mystery in Hollywood Films

The Force is no longer mysterious. We've demanded to know everything about Logan’s history at the expense of his mystery. Hollywood complies. The magic is dead.
Spy for Sale: What Does the Future Hold for the James Bond Series and for Bond Himself?

Spy for Sale: What Does the Future Hold for the James Bond Series and for Bond Himself?

With Sony's 007 contract expired, we take a tongue-in-cheek look at how very differently the Bond films might take shape under different studios.
Turkeys from Turkey: The Best Bad Films on the Globe

Turkeys from Turkey: The Best Bad Films on the Globe

Turkey has a rich cultural tradition in film, but lax copyright standards and low budgets led to some very bad rip off films that are funnier than ever today.
What Happens When Happy Shows Turn All X-Files on You?

What Happens When Happy Shows Turn All X-Files on You?

From The Brady Bunch to M*A*S*H, what do we do when our favorite TV shows spawn shockingly dark offspring?

The Future and Past of Batman, Superman, Fantastic Four and Hunger Games

The Past and Future of ‘Sin City’ ‘Deadpool’, ‘Alien’, ‘Predator’ and ‘Halloween’

The Past and Future of ‘Sin City’ ‘Deadpool’, ‘Alien’, ‘Predator’ and ‘Halloween’

Flops, superheroes, monsters and noir in The Next Reel.

Formulating ‘The Hunger Games’ Part 2: Evolution of the Mockingjay