Juanita Y Los Feos: Pesadilla Adulta

Juanita Y Los Feos
Pesadilla Adulta

Juanita Y Los Feos translates as Juanita and the Uglys while Pesadilla Adulta translates as Nightmare Adult but it is hard to fashion up anything approaching ugly or dark when listening to this sparkly guitar and organ powered album from Madrid based Juanita Y Los Feos.

On their third album, punk-pop litters their sound and brings to mind the great Scottish punksters the Rezillos and the B52s, but with the mid-’80s indie jangly guitar sounds of C86, and Sarah label bands such as the Close Lobsters, Sea Urchins and with even a hint of the Cure thrown into the mix. Lead singer Juanita’s voice carries the songs along on an energetic new wave tip with stand out tracks in the Cure-influenced “Circo Roma”, along with “Lobos”, “Hostal Osona” and “Triste Pero Cierto” forming a strong core to the album.

With no song longer than three minutes, “Pesadilla Adulta” fairly zips along, never letting up the pace and highly enjoyable, even more so with the sun on your back and a cerveza in hand. Lovely!

RATING 6 / 10