Best Worse Movie

The ‘Best Worst Movie’ Raises the Debatable Question: What Makes a Bad Movie ‘Bad’?

Best Worst Movie doesn’t require that you watch the worst movie before watching this documentary about the making of the worst movie, but it will help you understand what makes a bad movie bad.

Best Worse Movie
Michael Paul Stephenson
New Video
14 March 2009 (SXS)

There’s a general consensus among critics and cinephiles about what makes a film great: a classic story, unmatched acting, high emotional stakes, and visionary direction. It’s much trickier, however, to identify what separates your standard bad movie from a one-of-a-kind failure.

One of these awful classics was Troll 2, which maintains a zero percent rating on the Tomatometer from critics. Originally released straight to video in 1990, this bizarre horror film has undergone a cult revival in recent years. Groups of devotees hold annual parties to marvel collectively at how any movie could be so ridiculously bad. Mark Stephenson starred as the young boy Joshua Waits, who travels with his family to the town of Nilbog (Goblin spelled backwards!) for vacation. Predictably, all is not as it seems, and the town is infested with vegetarian goblins.

Twenty years later, Stephenson has filmed Best Worst Movie, a wonderful documentary that explores the phenomena and depicts where the participants are today. The remarkable story draws sharp emotional truths from the cast and crew’s lives that transcend Troll 2. It also includes plenty of hilarious clips from the original film that seems even more outrageous when taken out of the context of the complete story.

This story’s primary figure is George Hardy, who starred as Joshua’s father, Michael, Troll 2. Now working as a dentist in small-town Alabama, he is embarrassed and thrilled by the attention. Hardy is a likable, normal guy with a strong resemblance to Craig T. Nelson, which makes him an odd choice for dealing with cult fanatics. However, it’s clear that he enjoys the spotlight and even considers entering the acting ring again based on this experience. Uttering such ridiculous lines as “You can’t piss on hospitality! I won’t allow it!” might not be the ticket to stardom, but Hardy is a good sport when mocking the bizarre dialogue.

On the other hand, Italian director Claudio Fragrasso believes he created a work of art, and it’s just taken audiences a long time to realize it. His delusions about his creation are shared by his co-writer and the director of photography, who don’t understand (or refuse to admit) the material is terrible. Fragrasso grows angry when audiences laugh at the serious parts and blames the actors for any issues. Watching him pace angrily through the audience while the actors discuss the picture in a Q&A is an unsettling experience. Fragrasso means well and is sympathetic but doesn’t realize how ridiculous the dialogue sounds. He knew limited English then, which probably played a role in the bizarre final product.

Stephenson allows the actors to recall their experiences making Troll 2 and express their current feelings about the phenomena. Most seem to embrace the movie’s cult status, though a few, like Connie Young (who’s still acting) are obviously a bit hesitant. They generally seem thrilled to discuss the bewildering production and interactions with the Italians.

An exception is Margo Prey, who played Joshua’s mom, Diana. When she’s finally located by Stephenson and Hardy, the experience is very awkward. Wearing loads of makeup and appearing to lack a solid connection with reality, Prey offers a truly sad image. She claims to be returning to acting, but a mental break has occurred sometime in the past.

Best Worst Movie’s second half goes beyond Troll 2‘s silly reception and delves into less hopeful territory. The moments at Prey’s house are truly unsettling and contrast sharply with the others’ generally positive situations. Hearing Robert Ornsby (Grandpa Seth) discuss how he’s wasted his life is also heartbreaking. Even the cheerful Hardy has a few moments that reveal the limits of his newfound fame. Speaking at a memorabilia show in London, his audience includes only a few stragglers. Even a popular horror convention — which seems perfect for Troll 2 — brings only a passing interest.

Watching Hardy scramble to get attention contrasts sharply with the enthusiastic reception from the screenings. Stephenson doesn’t overdo the effect and lets the scenes play out, which makes them more effective.

This DVD of Best Worst Movie is designed for Troll 2 fans and includes a large amount of extra footage and fan-produced videos. We learn engaging details about the supporting players, which leads to both sad and light-hearted moments. The “body builder poet” Mike Hamill reveals the trailer for his movie Reflections in the Mud, which looks utterly ridiculous. The trailer resembles one of those films you’d hazily catch on cable TV at 3 AM and wonder if you’re still awake. The best extra is a one-minute PSA from Hardy reminding theatergoers to turn off their cell phones. Incorporating his famous line while he runs through the backstage area, it’s clever and silly. Another entry shows more from the convention mess, including Hardy encountering wrestler Diamond Dallas Page after he had a tooth accident.

Best Worst Movie ranks among small, classic documentaries like King of Kong, offering enjoyable entertainment with a serious heart. I have not seen Troll 2, but it didn’t take away from my interest. If you haven’t watched Troll 2, I suggest preparing a double feature to learn about the participants after seeing the craziness.

RATING 8 / 10