Download “Lamborghini Helicopter” from Seabrook Power Plant II for Free

Seabrook Power Plant plays music you’ve never heard before. Yes, all kinds of people try to make that claim these days as we find ourselves running out of music genres. But Brandon Seabrook’s approach to the banjo is something so far removed from its African roots that it might as well be another instrument entirely. And when he switches to guitar… well, watch out. For notes.

If you need convincing of Seabrook Power Plant’s unique place in the post-everything world of instrumental whackness, their label Loyal Label has provided a free download of their the first track on their new album “Lamborghini Helicopter”. On it you’ll hear some rapid-fire angular banjo, a pulverizing rhythm section from hell, and some frighteningly precise female vocal harmonizations from Judith Berkson that seem to drop in out of nowhere.

And while you’re there, you can download two exclusive outtakes from Eivind Opsvik.

[Download “Lamborghini Helicopter”]