Saby Reyes-Kulkarni

Saby Reyes-Kulkarni has been covering music for various outlets since 2002. He believes that a music journalist's job is to guide readers to their own impressions of the music. You can follow him on Twitter @sabyrk_
The Epic ‘The Besnard Lakes Are the Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings’ Sustains Its Emotional Payoff

The Epic ‘The Besnard Lakes Are the Last of the Great Thunderstorm Warnings’ Sustains Its Emotional Payoff

With their first album in five years, the Besnard Lakes capture the journey from the primordial origins of life to the unknown that awaits us after death.

Weezer Pull Themselves Out of a Rut with Help From an Orchestra

Weezer Pull Themselves Out of a Rut with Help From an Orchestra

Fresh out of gimmicks, Weezer think outside the box and deliver their most sincere album in years with OK Human.

Blinker the Star’s Jordon Zadorozny Reflects on a Career That’s Come Full-Circle

Blinker the Star’s Jordon Zadorozny Reflects on a Career That’s Come Full-Circle

With Juvenile Universe, Blinker the Star's Jordon Zadorozny has once again crafted some of today's most vibrant, dynamic rock.

Tristan Perich’s ‘Drift Multiply’ Charts a New Course for the Fusion of Composition and Electronics

Tristan Perich’s ‘Drift Multiply’ Charts a New Course for the Fusion of Composition and Electronics

Tristan Perich's Drift Multiply is essential listening regardless of your tastes, the combination of violins and one-bit processors has never sounded so graceful.

When Punk Took on the National Front It Screamed, ‘White Riot’!

When Punk Took on the National Front It Screamed, ‘White Riot’!

Rubika Shah's savvy documentary, White Riot, shows punk music's casual flirtation with fascism and the rise of anti-racist punks' hugely popular response headlined by the Clash, Rock Against Racism.

Gamblers’ Michael McManus Discusses Religion, Addiction, and the Importance of Writing Open-Ended Songs

Gamblers’ Michael McManus Discusses Religion, Addiction, and the Importance of Writing Open-Ended Songs

Seductively approachable, Gamblers' sunny sound masks the tragedy and despair that populate the band's debut album.

Tallah Revive Those Familiar Nu-Metal Blues with ‘Matriphagy’

Tallah Revive Those Familiar Nu-Metal Blues with ‘Matriphagy’

Though marvelous at executing their musical ideas on Matriphagy, nu-metal's Tallah sacrifice creativity for fidelity.

Public Enemy Ask ‘What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down?’

Public Enemy Ask ‘What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down?’

Unlikely purveyors of comfort music, Public Enemy offer a balm for an ominous future on What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down?.

Deftones Pull a Late-Career Rabbit Out of a Hat with ‘Ohms’

Deftones Pull a Late-Career Rabbit Out of a Hat with ‘Ohms’

Twenty years removed from Deftones' debut album, the iconic alt-metal outfit gel more than ever and discover their poise on Ohms.

Napalm Death Return With Their Most Vital Album in Decades

Napalm Death Return With Their Most Vital Album in Decades

Grindcore institution Napalm Death finally reconcile their experimental side with their ultra-harsh roots on Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism.

Blitzen Trapper on the Afterlife, Schizophrenia, Civil Unrest and Our Place in the Cosmos

Blitzen Trapper on the Afterlife, Schizophrenia, Civil Unrest and Our Place in the Cosmos

Influenced by the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Blitzen Trapper's new album Holy Smokes, Future Jokes plumbs the comedic horror of the human condition.