
Hannah Selin Composes a Work of Mesmerizing, Transcendent Beauty

Hannah Selin Composes a Work of Mesmerizing, Transcendent Beauty

Hannah Selin has created a profoundly engaging set of compositions on her debut LP. They are a sonic equivalent to deep sleep and vivid, complex dream states.

Kajsa Magnarsson and Marta Forsberg Make Eccentric Sound Art on ‘Kompisitioner’

Kajsa Magnarsson and Marta Forsberg Make Eccentric Sound Art on ‘Kompisitioner’

Kajsa Magnarsson and Marta Forsberg entertain the more adventurous listener with their variegated worlds of sonic experimentation and this thoughtful exploit into high-concept sound art. 

Nala Sinephro’s First LP is One for the Pantheon of Cosmic Jazz Classics

Nala Sinephro’s First LP is One for the Pantheon of Cosmic Jazz Classics

Nala Sinephro’s Space 1.8 is minimalist, an understated electroacoustic gem perfect for late-night listening. It’s one for the pantheon of cosmic jazz classics.

Call Super’s New LP Is a Digital Biosphere of Insectoid and Otherworldly Sounds

Call Super’s New LP Is a Digital Biosphere of Insectoid and Otherworldly Sounds

Call Super's Every Mouth Teeth Missing is like its own digital biosphere, rife with the sounds of the forest and the sounds of the studio alike.

Colombia’s Simón Mejía Plugs Into the Natural World on ‘Mirla’

Colombia’s Simón Mejía Plugs Into the Natural World on ‘Mirla’

Bomba Estéreo founder Simón Mejía electrifies nature for a different kind of jungle music on his debut solo album, Mirla.

Jon Hassell’s Argument for a Fourth World Continues with ‘Seeing Through Sound’

Jon Hassell’s Argument for a Fourth World Continues with ‘Seeing Through Sound’

Jon Hassell’s music is forever contemporary. All he’s had to do is leave open space for the next exploration, as he does on Seeing Through Sound.

Markus Floats Creates a Warm Space That Never Dallies in One Place for Long

Markus Floats Creates a Warm Space That Never Dallies in One Place for Long

Third Album reflects experimental electronic artist Markus Floats' belief that music isn't just something one does. It's a life one leads, so each release is an excerpted component of an ongoing and all-encompassing journey.

With ‘Temporal’ Julia Kent Fuses the Tactile and the Abstract

With ‘Temporal’ Julia Kent Fuses the Tactile and the Abstract

With an understanding of detail and texture, cellist Julia Kent's Temporal displays her intimate understanding of acoustic and electronic elements.

Old and New Worlds Meld on Esther Lamneck’s ‘Tárogató Constructions’

Old and New Worlds Meld on Esther Lamneck’s ‘Tárogató Constructions’

Woodwind virtuoso Esther Lamneck interacts with live electronics on her latest from Innova, Tárogató Constructions.

Antonio Sanchez: Bad Hombre

Antonio Sanchez: Bad Hombre

Influenced by his contribution to the Birdman soundtrack and deep explorations in the digital realm, Antonio Sanchez's Bad Hombre is a beautifully crafted solo release.

Eleonore Oppenheim: Home

Ata Ebteka: Ornamentalism: Ata Ebtekar and the Iranian Orchestra For New Music Performing Works of A