social sciences

Biography ‘Saving Freud’ Tells of Struggles with Freud’s Stubborn Denial

Biography ‘Saving Freud’ Tells of Struggles with Freud’s Stubborn Denial

Andrew Nagorski’s engrossing biography, Saving Freud, brings forth the dangerous power of denial.

The Elites Who Are Just So Over Humanity

The Elites Who Are Just So Over Humanity

The depth of anti-humanist sentiment related by Douglas Rushkoff in his latest book, Survival of the Richest, is harrowing and illuminating.

Propoganda Isn’t About Trying to Fool You

Propoganda Isn’t About Trying to Fool You

Lee McIntyre's 'Post-Truth' is a history lesson and a call to action asking liberals to defend the concept of objective truth. But is it the best approach to the problem?

Is Life in a ‘Post-Truth’ World Sustainable?

Is Life in a ‘Post-Truth’ World Sustainable?

How do we overcome the human tendency to resist verifiable reality? Lee McIntyre takes this on in this installment of MIT's Essential Knowledge series.