Ian Chant

Akira Kurosawa Films 101: 1975 – 1985

Akira Kurosawa Films 101: 1975 – 1985

These films represented Akira Kurosawa’s ascendance to greater international acclaim, while he struggled to find financing in Japan, where the movie industry was shriveling.

The Brush and the Lens: Akira Kurosawa As Painter and Filmmaker

The Brush and the Lens: Akira Kurosawa As Painter and Filmmaker

As a painter and filmmaker, Akira Kurosawa stuck to his own style, informed heavily by traditional Japanese painting as well as European impressionists and expressionists, another arena of art where he answered to both Eastern and Western influences.

Akira Kurosawa Films 101: 1950 – 1952

Akira Kurosawa Films 101: 1950 – 1952

Today’s Kurosawa 101 explores two of the greatest films in Kurosawa’s catalog, Rashomon — the film that made Kurosawa and Japanese cinema known throughout the world — and Ikiru — perhaps the greatest film ever made about impending death.

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