
Photo: Courtesy of Saint in the City PR

Daniel Pearson Plays Every Instrument on His Rock Anthem, “Brother” (premiere)

Daniel Pearson retains the knack for atmospheric melodies that garnered his reputation while confidently strutting back to his grittier rock roots on "Brother".

Those with a predilection for atmospheric, melodic Americana and folk have often found a place to sink into with Daniel Pearson’s music. As the singer-songwriter attests, however, the rock grit of his roots tend to kick back into place. Such is the case with the bluesy riffs of his new single, “Brother”, upon which Pearson played every instrument (guitars, bass, and drums) on top of delivering a soulful vocal. He hits rock terrain as comfortably and authentically as he implies in his reflections on the song.

Pearson says, “People tend to think of me as this quiet, sensitive singer-songwriter, but I got my start in rock and punk bands and have always loved loud guitar riffs and big drum sounds. ‘Brother’ is me expressing myself that way, and pushing myself to play everything on the record was a cool challenge. It’s good to change things up—nobody wants to drive in the same lane all the time. Lyrically, it’s kind of a call for some kind of unity, however hard that may seem in our current climate—despite all the division and entrenchment, at some point, we’re going to have to bite the bullet and find common ground.”