
The Excrement of Capitalism: Todd Phillip’s ‘Joker’ as Commentary on Disposability

The Excrement of Capitalism: Todd Phillip’s ‘Joker’ as Commentary on Disposability

What happens when the disposable realize they are disposable?

The Last Laugh: Everything You Think You Know About ‘Joker’ Is Wrong

The Last Laugh: Everything You Think You Know About ‘Joker’ Is Wrong

Todd Phillips has planted a tantalizing trail of clues throughout Joker to upend viewers' most basic assumptions, presenting a film whose contradictory structure can cause as much mayhem as its titular character.

Tragic Spectacle as Social Commentary in Todd Phillips’ ‘Joker’

Tragic Spectacle as Social Commentary in Todd Phillips’ ‘Joker’

Todd Phillips’ divisive Joker stirs the conscience – and the stomach.

Gloriously Destructive Deconstruction in ‘Batman: White Knight #6’

Gloriously Destructive Deconstruction in ‘Batman: White Knight #6’

A sane Joker's deconstruction of Batman enters uncharted territory, but the endgame still has plenty to prove.

Jokes and Harsh Truths in DC Comics’ ‘Batman: White Knight #4’

Joker – “Only You” (Singles Going Steady)

Joker – “Only You” (Singles Going Steady)

Joker's "Only You" is one of the few songs that showcases trap music's true potential.

Jessie Ware: Devotion

Tony Daniel Gets Gory and Underwhelming in the Relaunch of Detective Comics

The Big Pink: Tapes

Various Artists: Dark Matter: Mutliverse 2004-2009

And Here’s to You, Mr. Robinson: ‘Jerry Robinson: Ambassador of Comics’

Batman: Cacophony