
We Can Only Imagine: The Consciousness of Physics

We Can Only Imagine: The Consciousness of Physics

Physicist Ulf Danielsson’s The World Itself pins the powerful, slippery imagination and its impressive ideas about consciousness to matter’s messy, impermanent state.

Where Is the Truth in Our Romance of Popular Physics?

Where Is the Truth in Our Romance of Popular Physics?

If all the truth of physics is in the math, what kind of storytelling are we lay persons getting when we read popular accounts of physics that are completely stripped of it?

Art, Science, & Confidence Tricks: ‘Quantum Leaps’

Wonders of the Universe: Music to Watch Stars By

‘Life, the Universe and Everything’

You Are Here by Christopher Potter

The Physics of Christianity by Frank Tipler

‘The Letters of Richard P. Feynman’ Delights with the Physicist’s Mastery of the Epistolary Format

‘The Letters of Richard P. Feynman’ Delights with the Physicist’s Mastery of the Epistolary Format

Physicist Richard P. Feynman had the exceptional ability to write about the most obtuse areas of science while telling a damn good story, often with irreverence or silliness.