David Mihalyfy

David Mihalyfy (@mihalyfy) has a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago Divinity School. His popular writing on religion and culture has also appeared in venues like Religion Dispatches, Contingent Magazine, and the Atlantic online.
‘143’ Is the Next Stage in Katy Perry’s Ex-Evangelical Spirituality

‘143’ Is the Next Stage in Katy Perry’s Ex-Evangelical Spirituality

Will Katy Perry’s new “love frequency” spirituality on 143 suffer the same static interference we hear on the self-undercutting lead single?

How Pop Music Mainstreams Religious Weirdness

How Pop Music Mainstreams Religious Weirdness

With its devils and aliens, pop music can be a “window on the weird”, sweeping odd material lodged in subcultural pockets into the broader currents of culture.