Neil Huff

Neil Huff studies Literature at Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago where his work focuses on ecological crises, critical race theory, and working-class movements. He currently works as a Neighborhood Manager at, a Chicago-based real estate website. Recently published work includes "The Cost of Comfort: Racial Hierarchies in King of the Hill", which was published right here on PopMatters. Follow Neil on Twitter: @NeilHuff12, or contact him via email at [email protected].
Parable Pandemics: Octavia E. Butler and Racialized Labor

Parable Pandemics: Octavia E. Butler and Racialized Labor

Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower, informed by a deep understanding of the intersectionality of dying ecologies, disease, and structural racism, exposes the ways capitalism's insatiable hunger for profit eclipses humanitarian responses to pandemics.

The Cost of Comfort: Racial Hierarchies in ‘King of the Hill’

The Cost of Comfort: Racial Hierarchies in ‘King of the Hill’

At its best, animation comedy show King of the Hill asks, Why are"race" issues in America always about white people?