
Talay – “It’s F*cking Christmas (video) (premiere)

Talay's new tune will win points with those not shy of expressing their holiday joy with four-letter cusses.


Most Decembers, I don’t get super excited by the prospect of sitting down and preparing a bunch of holiday cards for mailing. And I certainly do my best to avoid venturing anywhere in the vicinity of SantaCon, the bar crawl for a North Pole-themed mob. But for those who like their eggnog with a little extra something, the new tune from Talay may become your new rallying cry.

Her new single, “It’s Fucking Christmas”, drops some of the snark that her 2017 EP exhibited in exchange for an extra expletive-filled Yuletide. Talay is pumped for the holiday as lyrics like, “Tell the children all the special stories, see them smile as bright as bright can be” can attest. And we are premiering her new lyric video (recorded in part during SantaCon) to go with the tune on PopMatters.

Megan Talay (who I interviewed earlier this year) also performed the song at her holiday-themed show at Rockwood Music Hall on December 13th, 2017. While her bassist had donned elf-attire, and her drummer strung a garland of lights around his neck for the whole show, Talay popped on a Santa hat for her final song to let the audience know, “It’s Fucking Christmas”. Photos from the Rockwood show are below the video premiere here.