Language Is a Virus, and People Could Die
The COVID pandemic seemed to accelerate the spread of new viral media, but viruses mutate, pop culture replicates, and everything’s a cover song.
The COVID pandemic seemed to accelerate the spread of new viral media, but viruses mutate, pop culture replicates, and everything’s a cover song.
Johnny Cash’s American IV: The Man Comes Around was the final album released while alive, and contains some of Cash’s best and most crucial work.
One has to go along with the flow of existence, no matter what suffering it brings. These country music artists give form to sadness and beauty to despair.
“Pinball King” was the biggest hit in country music 35 years ago. Or at least it could have been. Loney Hutchins cut a remarkable number of tracks that could have made him a star.
The synthesis of the past, present, and future was so much of what country music was about in 2010. Country was still fairly male-dominated in the era, although the changing winds, wherein women would create the most forward-looking music, were already beginning to blow.
It's with a deeply shared respect that the gathered family, friends, and artists on Forever Words have completed Johnny Cash's newly found poetry and lyrics into well-crafted collaborations.