pan american

Pan American’s ‘The Patience Fader’ Is Mesmerizing

Pan American’s ‘The Patience Fader’ Is Mesmerizing

Pan American’s The Patience Fader mesmerizes with icy takes on pedal steel and glassy guitar, where notes flood and flicker deep into the horizon.

Pan American Express Powerful Emotions Through Guitar Instrumentals on ‘A Son’

Pan American Express Powerful Emotions Through Guitar Instrumentals on ‘A Son’

As Pan American, Mark Nelson sings for the first time since his magnum opus Quiet City, but his emotions are most powerfully expressed through his instrumental guitar compositions.

Various Artists: Air Texture Volume II

Pan-American: White Bird Release

Male: All Are Welcome

Pan•American: For Waiting, for Chasing

Pan American: Quiet City

Pan American: The River Made No Sound