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Myanmar Hardcore Rebels Cacerolazo Amp Up the Volume for Revolution

Myanmar Hardcore Rebels Cacerolazo Amp Up the Volume for Revolution

Born out of the chaos of post-coup Myanmar, Burmese punk collective Cacerolazo’s debut LP rails against the brute forces of injustice and dictatorship.

Dead Pioneers Are Punk Rock’s New Conscience

Dead Pioneers Are Punk Rock’s New Conscience

American punk rock needs a bold new punk ethos. Native Gregg Deal and Dead Pioneers are punk rock’s new conscience.

When “Hocus Pocus” Guitar God Jan Akkerman Went Kind of Blue

When “Hocus Pocus” Guitar God Jan Akkerman Went Kind of Blue

Jan Akkerman’s discography is vast and ranges from rock to jazz to classical works, several including solo performances on the guitar forerunner, the lute.

Not Amused: Why Standup Comedy Isn’t Funny

Not Amused: Why Standup Comedy Isn’t Funny

In most of today’s standup comedy the outrageousness of the topic goes a long way toward compensating for the absence of wit. I’m not amused.

30 Years of Alison Krauss’ Country Music Breakthrough

30 Years of Alison Krauss’ Country Music Breakthrough

Even if the world only knew Alison Krauss from ‘Now That I’ve Found You: A Collection’, her place in country music history would be assured.

“Record in Iceland” and the Push for Global Relevance

“Record in Iceland” and the Push for Global Relevance

With “Record in Iceland” offering 25% subsidization of recording costs, Iceland hopes to support native artists and achieve international notoriety.

Dark Comedy ‘Patriot’ Illuminates Neoliberalism’s Dark Reality

Dark Comedy ‘Patriot’ Illuminates Neoliberalism’s Dark Reality

The dark comedy Patriot illuminates how neoliberalism makes choices for us disguisedly, using entrepreneurial agency as a fig leaf to obscure manipulation.

Sol Foundation Symposium Examines the Political Problem of UFOs

Sol Foundation Symposium Examines the Political Problem of UFOs

Researchers from academia, technology, and governmental sectors gather to examine how civil society can act against UFOs/UAP cover-ups.

Bad Bunny Creates an Astonishing (Inter)cultural Moment

Bad Bunny Creates an Astonishing (Inter)cultural Moment

Bad Bunny uses nostalgia to spark a connection with the fans and denounce the risks of a future without the people or the culture they love.

James Brown and Prince Were Uptight As Funk

James Brown and Prince Were Uptight As Funk

James Brown and Prince’s music was loose, wild, and emotional. Yet they knew that you’ve got to be uptight if you want to do funk right.

Decoding the Rap-Comic Complex in Childish Gambino’s Final LP

Decoding the Rap-Comic Complex in Childish Gambino’s Final LP

Through a dystopian plot, Childish Gambino’s final record attempts to narrate his insecurity, as opposed to its raw, uncomplicated exploration in Atavista.

B-Movie ‘Invasion of the Bee Girls’ Pollinates a Sexual Epidemic

B-Movie ‘Invasion of the Bee Girls’ Pollinates a Sexual Epidemic

Amid the spectre of a sexually transmitted epidemic, b-movie Invasion of the Bee Girls gives viewers an intoxicating buzz.