
The High Price of Gay Life in Washington, D.C.

The High Price of Gay Life in Washington, D.C.

James Kirchick’s riveting history of gay life in Washington, D.C. is a Cold War epic of hypocrisy, surveillance, and survival.

Alien or Alienated? The Monstrous, the Normal, and the Tragic in Our Borders

Alien or Alienated? The Monstrous, the Normal, and the Tragic in Our Borders

Shakespeare, Knut Hamsun, Flannery O’Connor, and the Medieval Icelandic Göngu-Hrolfs saga each explore who is the alien, and who is alienated, within our borders.

Pre-Code Films from Directors Beaudine and Vidor Give Creepy Thrills

Pre-Code Films from Directors Beaudine and Vidor Give Creepy Thrills

Restored pre-code films William Beaudine’s ‘The Crime of the Century’ and Charles Vidor’s ‘Double Door’ thrill with their frightening fearlessness.

Antonio Gramsci Biography ‘To Live Is to Resist’ Is Unrivaled

Antonio Gramsci Biography ‘To Live Is to Resist’ Is Unrivaled

In Gramscian fashion, Frétigné details the material conditions of Antonio Gramsci’s insight and influence while shirking historical determinism and abstract idealism.

The Smearing of Silent Film Star Mabel Normand

The Smearing of Silent Film Star Mabel Normand

An accomplished silent film star, screenwriter, director, and producer, Mabel Normand’s career ended abruptly and tragically when she was deemed guilty by association.

Color Lines: 1930 Colonial Film ‘Mamba’ in Early Technicolor

Color Lines: 1930 Colonial Film ‘Mamba’ in Early Technicolor

Albert S. Rogell’s 1930 Technicolor film Mamba offers a colonial critique that’s sometimes explicit, sometimes implicit, and sometimes contradictory.

The Bunkered Decades: Digging into the Atom Bomb’s Effect on Cold War America

The Bunkered Decades: Digging into the Atom Bomb’s Effect on Cold War America

When Americans realized the atom bomb their country created could be turned on them, arts and society alike bunkered down into nightmares of nuclear destruction. 

Before and After Hitler: Two Films by German Director Robert Siodmak

Before and After Hitler: Two Films by German Director Robert Siodmak

German director Robert Siodmak‘s 1930 comedy Farewell is a far cry from 1957’s Nazi-influenced crime thriller, The Devil Strikes at Night.

The Seeds of Blockchain Technology Are Found in Ancient Norse Mythology

The Seeds of Blockchain Technology Are Found in Ancient Norse Mythology

Did ancient Norse mythology anticipate the future rise of blockchain? Maybe not literally but figuratively, it’s interesting to consider.

1934 Horror Film ‘The Black Cat’ Slinks Easily into Our Time of Terror

1934 Horror Film ‘The Black Cat’ Slinks Easily into Our Time of Terror

Nazi power had already risen and Hitler was Chancellor when The Black Cat shared its laser-focus on the dangers of the rising tide of right-wing politics.

‘How Civil Wars Start’ Interrogates American Exceptionalism

‘How Civil Wars Start’ Interrogates American Exceptionalism

The same forces that tore apart societies from Yugoslavia to Iraq, Columbia, Northern Ireland, and the West Bank are fully present in the US, warns How Civil Wars Start.

Linda Simpson’s Photo History of NYC Drag Beguiles

Linda Simpson’s Photo History of NYC Drag Beguiles

Drag artist Linda Simpson shares her personal treasure trove of photographs to tell an important story about 1980s/’90s queer culture in The Drag Explosion.