stephen colbert

So, Why Does Anyone Like David ​Sedaris?

So, Why Does Anyone Like David ​Sedaris?

He finds people who find his writing offensive interesting. He feels the pressures of a right-wing and left-wing audience equally. And the lines for book signings go on, and on. As do delightful interviews with this irrepressible man, such as this one.

‘Stephen Colbert’s Midnight Confessions’ Runs Hot in the Show, Cold in the Book

‘Stephen Colbert’s Midnight Confessions’ Runs Hot in the Show, Cold in the Book

Reading Colbert's Midnight Confessions cover to cover is a little like watching Peter Pan’s shadow run around the room -- you can't nail it down.
Farewell Songs and New Beginnings in Late Night TV

Farewell Songs and New Beginnings in Late Night TV

How late night TV talk shows move on musically.
The Threat Down: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s Ten Biggest Controversies

The Threat Down: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s Ten Biggest Controversies

Although Stewart and Colbert both ended their runs with their reputations largely intact, one can't forget the duo's most controversial moments. This is the "Threat Down" Count Down.
Super Blah: Super Bowl XLVIII

Super Blah: Super Bowl XLVIII

Despite high expectations, TV’s biggest event didn’t bowl us over.

The Great Gatsby Re-Incarnated a la Don Draper and Barack Obama

Political Humor and Its Diss Contents

Maurice Sendak: A Fable-Maker for Our Times

Colbert’s ‘And Nothing but the Truthiness’: Now THAT, Alanis Morrisette, Really IS Ironic!

In Praise of Silliness

At the Rally to Restore Sanity, We Were ‘It’

The Dana Carvey Show