
Richard Dawson Discovers His Way Home on Captivating New LP

Richard Dawson Discovers His Way Home on Captivating New LP

End of the Middle is a more streamlined Richard Dawson album that’s no less engaging and perhaps more accessible than his previous work.

Vampisoul Reissues Violeta Parra’s Brilliant Final LP

Vampisoul Reissues Violeta Parra’s Brilliant Final LP

It’s always a good time to revisit music taking a stand against fascism, and Violeta Parra’s Las Últimas Composiciones has some of South America’s best.

Mindy Smith’s ‘Quiet Town’ Is a Meditative World

Mindy Smith’s ‘Quiet Town’ Is a Meditative World

Mindy Smith’s Quiet Town is introspective and critical as she longs for a time when individual rather than societal narratives define self-authenticity.

Moses Sumney’s ‘Blackalachia’ and the Forest

Moses Sumney’s ‘Blackalachia’ and the Forest

In Moses Sumney’s beautiful 2021 performance film Blackalachia, the forest is a friend, a threat, a looming watcher, and an extension of the narrator’s person.

Legendary Musician Dion DiMucci Gives a Braggin’ Interview

Legendary Musician Dion DiMucci Gives a Braggin’ Interview

Legendary Dion DiMucci discusses his new book, musical conversion, creativity, the blues, and how faith – and braggin’ – have made him a better writer.

You’ve Gotta Get Satire to Get Dion DiMucci

You’ve Gotta Get Satire to Get Dion DiMucci

Dion: The Rock ‘N’ Roll Philosopher is a tongue-in-cheek title that only Dion DiMucci can pull off with street panache—braggin’ is a blues tradition, after all.

Bob Dylan Film ‘A Complete Unknown’ Is a Folk anti-Western

Bob Dylan Film ‘A Complete Unknown’ Is a Folk anti-Western

In wandering hero terms, Bob Dylan film A Complete Unknown is less a George Stevens’ Western like Shane and more an Akira Kurosawa’s Yojimbo – with guitars.

Bonnie Prince Billy Finds a Comfortable Home

Bonnie Prince Billy Finds a Comfortable Home

Bonnie Prince Billy’s The Purple Bird reaches its highest points when Will Oldham finds the joy in life, which feels like its own form of resistance.

Heather Maloney Channels Joni and Father’s Death Into Music

Heather Maloney Channels Joni and Father’s Death Into Music

Heather Maloney’s latest release, Exploding Star, suggests the benefits of empathy and mourning when one is not bereaved. Sadness can bring us joy.

Bright Eyes’ 2005 Albums Speak to Our Individual and Collective Discontent

Bright Eyes’ 2005 Albums Speak to Our Individual and Collective Discontent

Bright Eyes brought their expansive and messy vision to life 20 years ago with two albums that captivated listeners then as they surely will now.

Flora Hibberd’s ‘Swirl’ Is a Stunning Debut

Flora Hibberd’s ‘Swirl’ Is a Stunning Debut

Flora Hibberd displays grace, timelessness, an accurate ear for classic songcraft, and production touches that wrap Swirl in a glorious bow.

Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp Create Eclectic Art Pop

Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp Create Eclectic Art Pop

Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp are a cohesive collective in which each participant is passionate about the music they make.